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Find your true beauty through COLOR ANALYSIS
 "I've commanded you to be brave and strong, haven't I? Don't be alarmed or terrified, because the Lord your God is with you where you go." PROVERBS 31:25

About Mindy

If you have ever stood in front of your closet full of clothes & thought, “I have nothing to wear”, then get frustrated because nothing fits right or just makes you feel 'blah', well then I’m your gal! I have loved all things beauty & fashion my whole life. For the past 30 years, I’ve been a hairstylist, helping women feel empowered through their hair. When I had my color analysis done and began to live and organize my own closet by my color code, it transformed my style and my life. I knew I wanted to spread that empowerment and joy to others and to start my own color & image consulting business!  I found Style by Color, an amazing, Christian company, and became a Certified Color & Christian Image Consultant.


Teaching you how to embrace your God-given beauty and get dressed with confidence and intention to show up as the person you were created to be is my goal. As your personal stylist, I want to empower you to look and feel your best every day, by bringing out the God-given beauty that is inside all of us! Your confidence will blossom and you will feel like you can take on the world! Okay, maybe not the whole world, but definitely the world you walk into every single day of your life!


During your color experience, you’ll see the difference instantly. It's the moment when a color lights up your face, makes your skin glow and brightens up your eyes! Color & Image analysis is a life-changing process. Who doesn't want to look and feel amazing, save time & money and have a wardrobe that works for you every single day? We all deserve to look & feel Empowered, Confident & Beautiful!


Let’s get started today! Please take a look at both my Color & Style offerings to find the service right for you. Together, we can make getting dressed the best part of every day!

Let’s Work Together

Mindy Shoemaker


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